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Tek Doctor

NBN - Are you ready?

The National Broadband Network A.K.A NBN project is in full flow around the country with approximately 61% of Residential and Business Premises able to connect.

Did you know that once your premises has the NBN infrastructure installed, it will be mandatory to switch your Broadband away from ADSL, ADSL2 and Cable services?

Yes I'm afraid so. Although in most cases you will be able to remain with your current provider, albeit, on a different package and likely a change of cost.

There are some services that are not subject to the mandatory change, including some Landline services and Foxtel.

For the full list of what will and what won't be switched off, you can read here.

NBN also has different types of connections to your premises:

  • FTTC - Fibre to the Curb

NBN will be installed to a point on the street outside of your premises, then use the existing copper wires to connect directly to your premises.

  • FTTP - Fibre to the Premises

NBN will be installed directly to your premises.

  • FTTB - Fibre to the Building

NBN will be installed to the building such as an Apartment Block then use existing technology to connect it to each Apartment for example.

  • FTTN - Fibre to the Node

NBN will be installed to a Street Cabinet which services a whole street for example. It would then use the existing copper wires to connect to each premises on the street.

FTTP would be the preferred installation type to give you better speeds and stability. However, there is no option of which type of connection you get. It is down to how NBNCo utilise existing network infrastructure.

To find out what type of connection you will be getting and when, you can look up your address here:

You do however have control over how fast your new service will be. NBN will be offering speeds of 25Mbps, 50Mbps and 100Mbps (Mbps - MegaBits Per Second). Most home users and small businesses will choose either 25 or 50Mbps depending on the size of their premises and how many people will be using the internet. Where as larger businesses will opt for 100Mbps. But it is a preference for each individual or business needs and budgets.

As a famous movie once said "With Great Power comes Greater Responsibility". Some might say It is similar to the NBN in a sense. With Greater Speeds comes Greater Use and with Greater Use it might be time for an equipment upgrade or at least an assessment of your existing equipment, to make sure it's capable of handling and making most of your newly found download/streaming speeds.

Contact Us for a no-obligation quote to give your equipment and devices an "NBN Health Check".

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