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Top 10 Keyboard Shortcuts to make your life easier

Tek Doctor

Using Keyboard shortcuts is a great way to make your life easier. Not only can they increase productivity but, can also help prevent repetitive strain injuries.

Below are the Top 10 shortcuts we recommend learning and digesting to make your computing life easier.

Try them out Today!

1. Alt + Tab

With this shortcut you are able to switch easily between different windows you have open. For example, switching between your Email client such as Outlook and your Internet Browser such as Google Chrome.

Keeping your finger on the Alt key will show you which windows you currently have open and then you are able to keep pressing the Tab key to select which window you want.

2. Ctrl + Tab

This shortcut allows you to switch to the next tab in a single program such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.

NB. For Mac Users, Ctrl is replaced with the Cmd Key

3. Ctrl + number (1-9)

Similar to Ctrl + Tab, this shortcut allows you to select the exact tab you want to view. For example, pressing Ctrl + 5, will take you to the 5th tab.

NB. For Mac Users, Ctrl is replaced with the Cmd Key

4. Ctrl + a

This shortcut allows you to select everything on a page. Whether that be an entire document or perhaps every file in a folder for example.

NB. For Mac Users, Ctrl is replaced with the Cmd Key

5. Ctrl + z

This shortcut allows you to Undo the last action you performed. Such examples could be where you have deleted something in a document that you didn't mean to or perhaps you pasted something into an email that you didn't mean to.

NB. For Mac Users, Ctrl is replaced with the Cmd Key

6. Ctrl + y

Similar to the Undo shortcut, this shortcut allows you to Redo the last action you performed. Essentially reversing the Ctrl + z you pressed if that was done in error.

NB. For Mac Users, Ctrl is replaced with the Cmd Key

7. Shift + Enter

Sometimes it's very annoying when you're composing an email or document and when pressing Enter, the next line appears to be 1 or 2 lines below. By using this shortcut, it will ensure that the next line is immediately below the one you have just written.

8. Ctrl + plus (+) or Ctrl + minus (-)

Sometimes documents or web pages are either too big or too small for you to see. Using these shortcuts will allow you to zoom in or zoom out to read. Additionally, if you're lucky enough to have a Mouse with a scroll wheel, then you can press Ctrl and use the scroll wheel to zoom in or out.

NB. For Mac Users, Ctrl is replaced with the Cmd Key

9. Ctrl + f

This shortcut is very useful, particularly if you are trying to find something on a document or web page that has a lot of text. This shortcut will bring up a Find box for you to search with. Works on Internet Browsers and Documents alike.

NB. For Mac Users, Ctrl is replaced with the Cmd Key

10. Windows Logo Key + d

Got lots of windows open and just want a quick way to get back to your Desktop without having to minimize everything? This shortcut will do exactly that. For Mac users, a simple click of F11 will accomplish the same thing.

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